Rosalina Oil
Location and Occurrence of Rosalina
Rosalina trees (Melaleuca ericifolia) are a small tree 3 to 8 metres high, they produce a white flower in abundance in late spring. Rosalina trees are found in wetlands and beside streams from Port Macquarie, in mid north New South Wales to Tasmania. The tree was first reported by Europeans in 1797 by British botantist James Edward Smith.
The Beginnings of Rosalina Oil
There are no recordings of indigenous use but it is also certain they would have used the plant.
Rosalina oil was first analysed and reported by pioneering Australian chemist and botantist Baker and Smith in 1922. They had collected sample in areas which have now become well known suburbs of Sydney, that being the surf beach suburb of Narrabeen and the southern suburb of Kogarah.
However it was a second investigation from plant samples found near the Hawkesbury River, Taree and again Kogarah in 1934 which were sent to Australian chemist and essential oil pioneers Arther Penfold and Frank Morrison which revealed that Rosalina oil was high in linalool. (Linalool is also found in significant quantities in Lavender, linalool has been demonstrated in university research to be calming). Penfold and Morrison also noted the presence of sesquiterpenes and sesquiterpene alcohols. Penfold and Morrison commented on how pleasant the distilled Rosalina oil was.
Renown French aromatherapist and physician Dr Daniel Peneol has written about Rosalina oil in his book ‘Natural Home Health Care Using Essential oils’ he has a section titled ‘Australian Rosalina Oil: the latest aromatic gift of Australia to the aromatic world’.
Rosalina Oil Production
Rosalina is grown in plantation as well as being harvested from wild populations. Wild populations vary in constitution, so only specifically selected populations are harvested.
The Rosalina oil we offer is obtained only from plantations, therefore ensuring consistency of quality. Rosalina oil is extracted from the leaves and branchlets of the small tree or bush by traditional steam distillation.
Uses of Rosalina Oil
Rosalina Oil is excellent for aromatherapists and masseurs, the oil is gentle, it can be applied neat (1 or 2 drops) to the skin, however it is better to use diluted in a carrier oil.
Having such an excellent amount of linalool (35-55%), the linalool content is calming and good for sleep. A massage oil experience with Rosalina oil or an hour or so of experience under a diffuser or oil burner would be beneficial. Combining a massage and then a separate diffuser experience with Rosalina oil should be highly beneficial.
Rosalina oil also contains 1,8 cineole 20-25% (found in Eucalyptus oils), 1,8 cineole is well known as an expectorant and being great for the respiratory system. The oil is very child friendly and and a great friend in winter or in strained times.
You can also use Rosalina oil as an air freshener, body lotion and hand cream (at less than 1%),
Rosalina Oil Cautions
Some people who are allergic to Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) may be allergic to Rosalina oil. The Tea Tree allergy stems from sesquiterpene hydrocarbon compounds in Tea Tree oil. Rosalina oil (Melaleuca ericifolia) has some similiar compounds, so it is possible the people allergic to Tea Tree oil may be allergic to Rosalina oil.
Rosalina oil is another relatively new Australian essential oil, it is beautiful, peaceful, calming and another great offering from the continent of Australia, it most certainly has a place amongst other essential oils Australia and most definitely the rest of the world produces.