About Us
Essentially Australia (the original Byron Bay essential oils company) was created in 2012 by Greg Trevena to provide the biggest range of Australian essential oils in the world. We aspire to offer premier aromatic and medicinal products for the mind, body and home, all of which are derived from pure Australian native oils. We’re so glad you’ve decided to learn more about us!
We seek to encourage and educate consumers to develop a closer connection to Australia’s ecology through an increased awareness and use of Australia’s unique native plants and experience their many beneficial uses.
Greg saw a clear opportunity to create a concept of a Byron Bay essential oils business which specialises only in pure Australian essential oils.

Early days at our Essentially Australia plantation in the Byron Bay hinterland
The Essentially Australia Range
At present Essentially Australia has 33 different Australian native essential oils and 2 native Australian carrier oils on offer.
Essentially Australia operates two unique plantations in the moist, rich, red volcanic hinterland of Byron Bay. We also support a small range of passionate and committed essential oil farmers and harvesters in other parts of Australia.
We plan to continue to bring out new Australian essential oils grown both within our own plantations and outside of our plantations. We are more than just a Byron Bay essential oils company, read on to learn more about us!

Start of the Australian Rose & Rose Myrtle stories.
Wild Lemon Tea Tree at Minyon Falls, near Byron Bay, NSW
Our Connection
- We value the Australian continent’s natural assets and its culture, both old and new.
- Valuing the ability to provide a connection with Australia.
- Strongly believing in the medicinal and aromatic benefits from the use of Australian native essential oils.
The Australian Environment
- Encouraging ethical land use, revegetation and Landcare.
- Respecting indigenous knowledge of the Australian continent.
- Valuing health, happiness, wellbeing and a ‘connecting’ pride in Australia.
- We only make genuine claims about our products based on scientific and traditional knowledge.
- Genuine value for sustainable farming.
- Only sourcing supplies from the most ethical, committed and quality conscious farmers, harvesters and suppliers.
- Offering and valuing only 100% pure native Australian essential oils

Greg Trevena’a previous business, Refreshed Lemon Myrtle, now sold in Australia and the USA

Davidson’s Plum tree and fruit.
In 1990, Australia’s ABC TV network screened the ground breaking TV series ‘Bush Tucker Man’. This program highlighted to Essentially Australia founder, Greg Trevena, the great undiscovered potential of Australia’s wild botanicals.
From here, Greg commenced a quest for knowledge of Australia’s potential useful plants. By 1998 Greg created ‘Rainforest Foods” where he produced rainforest jams and used a herb called Lemon Myrtle. By 2000 he had created ‘Refreshed Lemon Myrtle” which produced Lemon Myrtle soap and other Lemon Myrtle essential oil related body products in Byron Bay. By 2009 Refreshed Lemon Myrtle commenced sales into the USA and this brand is now found in health food stores across the USA.